Friday, September 12, 2008


Deal all,

Below are the results of the Fruittie Veggie Bites Programme. Congratulations to the winning class!

Tokens will be given out to the winners on Monday, 15th September.

In appreciation to those who have taken part in the programme, we will be giving our FVB file to all pupils, including teachers!

Watch out for our next programme starting next week - the Heath and Fitness Carnival!

Class (cards obtained)

Primary 1 - 1H (6)
Primary 2 - 2A (17)
Primary 3 - 3L (26)
Primary 4 - 4H (15)
Primary 5 - 5S (30)
Primary 6 - 6N (25)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fruittie Veggie Bites (FVB) Programme - Thank You!

The Fruittie Veggie Bites has officially ended on 28th August, driving the point of the importance of eating fruit and vegetables regularly. Now everyone is eagerly waiting for the results for the highest collection of big cards for FVB. Announcement will be made on second week of Term 4. Watch out for this space!

"Our school banner!"

From Mr Md Faizal's Classroom Blog!